Stella Jane is a talented artist known for her captivating illustrations of space. Born and raised in a small town in northern Queensland, Stella has been fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos since she was a child. As she grew older, she developed a passion for art and began exploring different mediums, from painting to digital design.
It wasn’t until Stella discovered her love for astronomy that she found her true artistic calling. Combining her two passions, she began creating intricate illustrations of galaxies, planets, and stars, drawing inspiration from the wonders of the universe.
Stella’s unique artistic style is a blend of realism and imagination. Her attention to detail and use of vibrant colours transport the viewer to distant worlds, while her creative interpretations of space phenomena bring a new perspective to the genre.
Through her art, Stella hopes to inspire others to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe and to see the world in a new light.